Consejos para un Black Friday más sostenible.

Tips for a more sustainable Black Friday.

On the last Friday of November, one of the most popular discount days of the year is held. This November 27th we celebrate Black Friday , a tradition that began in the United States and which, due to its great reception, was replicated throughout the world. It is not a secret that the vast majority of us want to make the most of this season and buy everything from trips, televisions and computers, to clothes, shoes and jewelry. That is why we share some tips to make this Black Friday a more sustainable day and that you can still buy what you want so much, responsibly.

Despite the fact that consumerism is not entirely sustainable, we can have practices that are more environmentally friendly and thus have a lesser impact on the planet.

Ideas for a more conscious purchase.

1. A help to the planet and your day-to-day economy.

We advise you to make a list of things that you really need or want. Yes, write it down! So when you are faced with a page full of options or a showcase with hundreds of alternatives, you will buy what you need and you will be able to think twice before buying something that only attracts you because of the discount.

Another tip is to put a cap on spending. Setting a limit of how much you are willing to spend that day will help you not waste your money and keep a purchase limit. This will benefit your economy and the planet!

2. Fashion that is friendly to the planet… and to people!

The textile industry is the second most polluting in the world , after the oil industry. Venture to discover sustainable brands, of local and slow production , that are respectful of the environment and society. Also, you can opt for the sustainable collections of traditional Fast Fashion brands that every day try to get involved with the planet and its needs. Would you like to know a list of our Colombian brands of slow production and friendly to the environment?

3. Do you want to buy technology?

Black Friday , as a day of discounts, was initially thought for electronic objects, and many people still take the opportunity to buy them with great discounts and now you can do it in a more ecological way . For example: If you plan to change your cell phone, you can opt for a more sustainable one. As? Take a look at its Eco Rating , an evaluation certificate that measures the social and environmental impact of mobile devices on a scale of one to five. If you want to buy another appliance, also make sure that its system is friendly to the environment and that it has low energy consumption , this will benefit the planet and also your pocket!

4. Support local brands.

These brands can't always compete with the deep discounts of giant or chain companies. However, in recent years they have made an effort to compete with discounts on certain products. Be encouraged to support and share them, because on many occasions, these local businesses have the most environmentally friendly processes and this year, more than ever, they need our support.

5. Avoid returns.

People return almost 33% of the online purchases they make . Make sure you buy something that you really need or that you really want, if it is footwear or clothing , check the size chart that each brand proposes on its page and the product specifications. If you decide to buy technology, read the guarantees, characteristics and qualities of it very well. We invite you to carefully review the information on the products you wish to purchase , as this will reduce the number of returned items and also the environmental impact, pollution and energy expenditure that this implies.

6. Check that the discounts are real.

We invite you to see the products you want in advance and confirm that they offer you a real discount, since on many occasions, some brands take advantage of the immediacy of Black Friday to make offers that are basically false. A few days before the sales, the prices of the items go up and when the day of the discounts arrives they drop them to the original price. Do not be blinded by the word discount and the impulsiveness that comes with it, check the prices of the products very well and if you are not sure, avoid making an unnecessary purchase.

7. If your purchase is online, try to do it on a single platform or a single website.

During this day, online purchases have been gaining weight over face-to-face purchases and this year due to the pandemic caused by COVID-19, it will surely continue to be so. The internet allows you to have a whole series of products at your disposal. If you decided to buy, we invite you, if possible, to do so on the same website, in order to avoid unnecessary emissions caused by different transports, packaging from different companies and the logistics necessary to bring the products to your doorstep.

8. Be encouraged to take a truly green action.

If you decided not to buy anything and avoid Black Friday as much as possible, we present three options that you can take. That Friday will also be Buy Nothing Day , a celebration that was born in response to overconsumption and that encourages people to refrain from falling into the consumerism that stands out on this day. On the other hand, if instead of spending money on material objects you prefer to donate it to a good cause or shop at a small local brand, Green Friday is for you. This initiative aims to encourage responsible consumption and counteract overconsumption . If you still want to donate, we present you another alternative, Giving Tuesday , a global movement that encourages people to collaborate and celebrate the action of giving. You can collaborate with social projects, environmental causes, you can even encourage yourself to donate blood!

While it is true that a model like Black Friday can become a threat to the planet and its resources, we can join in having responsible consumption to reduce our impact on the world's ecosystems. And you, do you dare to live a greener Black Friday?

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