Reciclar salva al planeta Tierra

Recycling saves planet Earth

By Maria Angella Fortich Fraija

As time goes by, it becomes clear that many people's consumption methodologies are more than planet Earth can bear. If consumption grows excessively, an action plan must be presented to mitigate that damage; one of those strategies is recycling and sustainability.

Recycling is the manufacture or process of transformation and collection of materials to give them a new life or utility as products so that they will not be discarded without making the most of their materiality. The recycling of plastic, glass or paper serves to control the amount of garbage circulation on planet Earth.

The increase in the accumulation of waste produces methane emissions , pollutes soils and groundwater.

The three main types of recycling are: primary or closed-loop, which converts materials into more of the same. For example, if you recycle paper you turn it into more paper or cans into more cans. The secondary transforms discarded products into other things, but they are made with the same material. For example, the entire process that is done with PET bottles . The tertiary or chemical , is based on chemically decomposing some materials to produce something different. For example, recycled polyester garments.

If you want to know more about recycling, we invite you to download our ebook on recycling , click here

Recycle, Reduce and Reuse

The 3R rule helps the planet, creates public awareness about waste, saves money and makes you a more responsible consumer.

Reduce : when talking about reducing, the simplification of the consumption of direct products is analyzed more, since this has a direct relationship with waste. For example, make a previous list of the things that are missing in your home so that in the supermarket you only buy what you need.

Reuse : before throwing away something that you no longer like or that you no longer use much, think about what other utility you can find for it or what other function we can give it. For example, glass containers can serve as vases, glasses or to store other kitchen spices.

Recycle : so that the waste can be of some use and serve the two previous processes, it is necessary to classify and dispose of separately the materials that can be used or transformed in the future. For example, some food waste can be composted, glass and plastic can also be transformed if properly recycled.

From sustainability to the day of the recycler

Sustainability in the environmental field is the balance between society and the environment, in which a way of economic and social development is sought using natural resources without harming or damaging the environment. A key to these processes is that they must be sustainable in the long term.

By recycling, reducing and reusing we can ensure that many people live and apply this environmental method, also, the 3R's are the pillar of the three bases of ecological sustainability, they are the defense and care of the environment, the economic growth of the society and the social development of the population. Something that makes it so special is that it works with all people and communities so that together we can implement all the tools to take care of our planet Earth.

One of the special dates of this movement is the first of March, since the day of the recycler is celebrated. This work is one of the most important to be able to maintain environmental sustainability and for this reason, the Special Administrative Unit of Public Services - UAESP , recognizes more than 24,3000 recyclers in Bogotá, Colombia. Thanks to them, the transformation of waste was increased to 24%, ensuring that less waste reached the Doña Juana Landfill.

Tips to help the planet from recycling

  1. Look at what materials you have at home that can be recycled such as: Plastic containers and bags, aluminum cans, paper or cardboard containers, glass bottles and always separate them and deliver them clean
  2. Eco-bricks: you put all your snack bags in an empty plastic bottle and you can create ecological bricks. These are collected by some foundations to make houses in low-income populations.
  3. Used oil: remember to put it in a plastic bottle, do not throw it in the dishwasher so as not to contaminate the water, since a single drop of oil is capable of contaminating up to a thousand liters of water.
  4. Shop at thrift stores.
  5. Separate food waste to turn it into compost for your garden. (in our ebook on recycling you will find the step by step to make your compost)
  6. Deposit waste in the corresponding bag or bin to facilitate recycling.
  7. When you go to recycle your personal hygiene bottles, clean them first and make sure that there is no product left inside them.
  8. Buy biodegradable plastic. For example, some shipping companies have adopted this type of element for their bags and when you take out the product, you can pour hot water into the bag and it will become compostable.
  9. Involve your family and together work towards environmentally friendly behaviors

We also want to take this opportunity to thank the work of the recyclers, their role is essential in the proper separation of waste and in its treatment. Let us facilitate your work by correctly separating the waste and correctly recycling the materials that can be used.

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      la información es muy ytil


      Reciclar se ayuda atener el mejor ambiente y la naturaleza vuelve ha renacer y nos deleita con sus aroma en el anochecer por eso cuidemos la naturaleza y resiclemos

      Aida del socorro Villada Ordoñez

      Hola a todos Amazonia; mi idea es que sea obligatorio sembrar una o más árboles, y sanciones para quien corte 🌳. 💚 y arroje basura en las calles . Es política de gobierno fácil para ellos. Saludos . Felicitarlos en su magma labor y animarlos a continuar . Un afyerte abrazo. Elaine de cartagena


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