Te contamos cómo puedes ser un activista en el 2021

We tell you how you can be an activist in 2021

In the current times that we face as humanity, it may seem difficult to help bring about change on the planet. We may feel overwhelmed when our actions seem to have no real impact, or perhaps you have wondered what you can do to contribute in some way to the greater good. You should know that you can achieve the change from your home, there is a lot you can do. We tell you how to combat climate change!

Sustainable development must be an axis of our actions , because in this way we can satisfy the needs of our present without compromising the needs that will arise in the future. In order to fulfill this sustainable development , activism was born , which is aimed at conserving the environment and the different actors that participate in it. Activism has become a front in the struggle with political intentions to achieve changes and transformations in favor of diverse interests and today it has increasingly positioned itself on social networks.

When we talk about social activism , we talk about social action. These actions seek to find answers and solutions to common problems through different means, whether from state institutions, Non-Governmental Organizations or even from each person as an individual. The activist is, therefore, " one who pursues a just cause, not only personal but also collective"1. Today we have many causes in common that unite us, protecting the environment is one of them, since climate change and the different threats that put it at risk threaten a place that we all have in common and that we call home, the earth.

We can all be activists, we can protect nature and the communities most at risk and most affected by the different practices that intensify the climate crisis with our actions.

[1] Fernando Díaz Naranjo in Social activism for La Silla Rota

Let's start with very simple actions

From Saving The Amazon , we want to offer you some ideas to contribute and stay active in protecting the planet and all of us who inhabit it. You can be an activist from your home, you can even do much more than you imagine! Activism is much more than stopping oil tankers in the ocean, so we tell you 4 things you can do to have a positive impact on the environment and in different communities. There are things so small that they will take very little time and could have a huge impact.

Take advantage of social networks

You can become a digital activist, take advantage of these channels to share information and ideas to mitigate the climate crisis and make visible the directly affected communities. Get your friends and followers involved in causes that can help create a more sustainable future.

Become aware of your habits and try to make them sustainable

Choose products of local and decelerated production , so you will be promoting local employment, you will be helping to reduce carbon emissions and energy consumption (which would be emitted in transport), you will support small producers, among others.

[Read also: Why we should consume local and regional products ]

find out

Cultivate critical thinking. Don't settle for just media that present one facet of the problem, this will allow you to better understand the world we live in so that you can decide what actions we can take to make it a better place. You can search for information from different alternative local media, or why not, watch a documentary about current situations that interest you.

Support the work of Non-Governmental Organizations

It supports the different efforts of entities that are concerned with the protection of the environment. Today with virtuality you can generate a giant impact with a single click so that these entities have a positive impact on the planet. With a donation, sharing information or connecting in different ways you can encourage them so that their work has a greater reach.

With Saving The Amazon, by planting a little tree, you can have an impact on the environment, on the Amazon and on the communities that inhabit it. With us you can be an activist from your home with a single click!

solutions to save the amazon

Share this information and be an activist, help us change the world!

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Félix Frack

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